Taking My Own Advice

After years of encouraging busy small business owners to partner with someone to help look after their routine business tasks, I took my advice and only wished I had done it sooner. I’d been aware of my growing need for an Online Business Manager for some time. Recognising the hours I spent on tasks I could easily hand over made me realise those hours were gone! I could have been spending them in far more productive ways. So I took the advice I have given many busy business owners in the past and reached out to a team member.

Introducing… My Online Business Manager!

Amanda is one of my incredible team members. She’s a whizz at everything admin and organising and is a dream to work with. Thankfully, she was happy to start as my new Online Business Manager. Reaching out and asking for help has certainly given me a new perspective. I now truly understand what it’s like being on the other side–trusting “my baby” to someone else. And that’s what I think is truly key to this–trust. I knew who I was partnering with would be incredible for my business.

Amanda has 20+ years of experience providing administrative support to small businesses and not-for-profit organisations. It’s made her an avid problem-solving to small business challenges. So I can rest easy, knowing my day-to-day tasks are safely in her hands. This has left me hours each week to grow The Administration Agency and focus on the tasks I’m passionate about.

I love sharing Amanda’s perspective on the importance of virtual administrative support for businesses.

“I love doing the tasks that often get put off – the important activities that business owners struggle to find time for in their day-to-day work life. Instead of letting them overwhelm you, we can work together to determine which tasks could be outsourced to me. But beyond that, my years of administration experience mean I can help you identify ways of working smarter or improving processes you didn’t even know could be improved!

“Not all businesses can employ an administrator full-time or even part-time, which is where online services can help. Because you’re only paying for the time that you need, it makes for a much more cost-effective way of working”

The pandemic has made remote working a much more attractive option for many businesses. It has gone from being viewed as something on the periphery to a vital labour force component. Business owners not only understand what can be achieved without a team member being physically present but can now source their team from a larger group of talent to meet business objectives. You can check out our previous blog on Busting OBM myths to dispel some persistent myths about remote working.

Since having Amanda start, I’ve had more time to focus on building The Administration Agency. We work together as a team, each as a sounding board for the other on ways to continue improving the business. Her knowledge and experience have been invaluable. I’ve always seen the value of an OBM working alongside businesses, but having now experienced this personally I’m an even greater advocate!

Why wait? Schedule a free discovery call with The Administration Agency, and let’s explore how we can help take your business to the next level. At The Administration Agency, we pride ourselves on providing outstanding OBM services to service-based businesses. Whether you’re a solopreneur or have a team of employees, we can help you manage your business more efficiently and effectively. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business thrive.

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